How we do it


We come straight to your home, office, retirement home or care centre.

We can be booked for individuals, families or groups.

We have portable collapsible dental equipment, including a full dental chair, a compressor unit that can be set up in any room that has an electrical outlet (preferably with a hard floor surface). The finished set up looks like a small dental operatory.

We can also work with patients that have reclining wheelchairs, without requiring a transfer.

We offer DIRECT BILLING, including all government plans.

We abide by the Personal Information Protection Act and the Health Information Act.

– Excellent way to initiate young children to dentistry, your entire family can be seen while in the comfort of   your  home

– Better access to care, relieves transportation issues, regular preventative dental care becomes convenient!

– For corporate clients, less time loss, never having to leave your office (especially in these economic times!)

The return of the house call! From 2 year olds to 102, we look forward to looking after your teeth! (as many or as little as you may have!)